Trainings Mugai Ryu Prague

KŌRYŪKAI 光龍会 is the ONLY representative of Meifu Shinkage Ryu shurikenjutsu in Czech Republic, the ONLY representative of Suigetsujuku Bujutsu in Czech Republic and the ONLY representative of Mugai Ryu Iaido in Czech Republic.

EVERY WEDNESDAY 15.30 – 17.00

Kasumi Dojo, Květnová 598, Prague 8.

Each candidate is a real warm welcome.

Those interested in this martial arts trainings can visit and start studying at any time during the year.

We offer the following courses:

  • Koryukai Bujutsu 光龍会武術 – this system offers several traditional japanese martial arts as Nihon Jujutsu, Shinto Munen Ryu, Anazawa Ryu, Keishi Ryu, Shinmen Nito Ryu
  • Meifu Shinkage Ryu 明府真影流 shurikenjutsu, fundo kusari jutsu and other Kakushi Buki (hidden weapons)
  • Mugai Ryu Iaido 無外流居合道 – japanese swordfighting with the Katana

KŌRYŪKAI includes the philosophy of the japanese martial arts, develops students in accomplish himself, respects everyone and everything in the daily life and in the training.

We focus on personal and individual training environment, with a lot of attention to the development of the students skill and integrity in Budo.

The Dojo is a holy place of spiritual and physical development as well as a home for it’s students. Martial arts is more than it’s techniques, it is the realization of self. Students and teachers are connected in a respectful and familial manner, a connection that expands to Japan as well.

KŌRYŪKAI is the essence of Japanese martial arts and the way of the  Budo. Plain, clear beauty and efficiency. Koryukai contains no superfluous or pointless movements, every movement has a deeper and practical sense which is also taught.

KŌRYŪKAI is an official member of the Mugai Ryu European Federation, Shidokai Society, Arab International Martial Arts Federation and Arab International Ninjutsu Federation, official representative International Martial Arts Union, official representative International Sciences & Skill of Martial Arts University, official representative The Supreme Education Council of IMAU University and official representative International Sciences, Technology & Skill Union.

If you have interest to open branch or Keikokai of our KŌRYŪKAI or branch or Keikokai each martial art in Your city or country don´t hesitate to contact me.

As well if you have interest to organize trainings or seminar in Your city or country.