Daito Ryu Jujutsu

Daito Ryu Jujutsu and Aikijujutsu

 Daitōryū Aiki-jūjutsu (大東流合氣柔術 in short: Daitōryū)  is a 1200 year old Samurai martial art, is considered one of the oldest  and noblest schools for martial arts in Japan and is a national  cultural asset. Daitōryū is a traditional Japanese martial art, which  was founded in 1087 by Shinra Saburō Minamoto no Yoshimitsu (新羅 三郎 源 義光,  (1056-1127), samurai of the Minamoto clan, third son of Yoriyoshi  Minamoto, de-scendant of the fifth generation of the emperor of Japan,  the Minamoto dy-nasty Fujiwara Seiwa. The fighting system, named after  Yoshi-mitsu’s residence, later became known as Daitōryū. This art was  ostensibly trained over several centuries within the Takeda branch of  the Minamoto lineage as a family secret. At the end of the 19th century,  Daitōryū was first publicly taught by Takeda Sōkaku.

Daitōryū  Aiki-jūjutsu 大 東 (Daito = residence) 流 (ryu = school) 合 (Ai = harmony)  氣 (ki = breath, energy), 柔 術 (Jujutsu = gentle art) is a form of  Jujutsu. It includes techniques of close combat like: Atemi-Waza (punch  and kick techniques), Shime-Waza (strangulation  techniques), Kansetsu-Waza (techniques of joint locking), Osae-Waza  (grappling techniques), Nage-Waza (throwing techniques), Aikinojutsu (throwing  an opponent on the floor with Aiki), Kyusho-waza (pressure on vital  points of the human body). A practitioner studies the use of some of the  ancient weapons of Bushi (such as Katana, Bo, etc.). The many  techniques of Aikijujutsu are transferred and catalogued in scrolls  (densho), which in this case of Hiden Mokuroku are divided into a series  (kajo) with increasing difficulty of execution.

Daitō ryū  Aiki-jūjutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art that was developed as a means of self-defense against  unprovoked violence, with the ultimate goal of eliminating violence  rather than causing it. This is one of the reasons why Daitō ryū relies  on forms (kata) and their practice, but does not involve any kind of  competition. Moreover, as a classical Japanese martial art,  Daitō ryū  means more than just pure self-defense; It offers a way to tame your  body and mind with the intention of developing your personal character  and contributing to the broader social prosperity.

Takeda Sokaku had many students; Among these was Toshimi (Hosaku) Matsuda who recived his Daito-Ryu kyoju dairi license around 1928. It was Matsuda who was Yoshiji Okuyama’s (1901-1987) first and primary Daito-Ryu teacher. Based on research, Okuyama studied with Matsuda sensei from around 1929 till 1939. From this date, as was recorded in Takeda sensei’s Eimeiroku (ledger), Okuyama sensei studied directly with Takeda Sokaku, Soshi for a 13 day seminar in November 1939. This is important because Okuyama didn’t return to the Matuda sensei after this time. Okuyama sensei started teaching Daito-ryu separately at his new dojo, but the break from the Matsuda’s Renshinkan was met with many challenges. From 1940-1941, Okuyama sensei, along with his kohai and friend Maeda Takeshi sensei (the future successor of the Daito-Ryu Renshinkan), started teaching a new Ryuha named Hakko-Ryu Jujutsu, in 1941/42. Takese Michio sensei, the current soshi of the Daito Ryu Renshinkan stated that the original Hakko-ryu scrolls contained 220 waza, which included the traditional Daito-Ryu Hiden Mokuroku, Aiki no jutsu and Hiden Ogi. They were mostly Daito-ryu Renshinkan makimono renamed as Hakko-ryu. In the years to come, the system was reorganized to the current system we see today.

Matsuda Den Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Renshinkan


Matsuda-den is the school of master Toshimi ‘Hosaku’ Matsuda 松田敏美. Matsuda Sensei was a very expert student of Sokaku Takeda, his dojo was frequented by many representatives of other Daito-ryu schools. Although Matsuda Sensei did not have many students by choice, his Shobukan 松武會 School gave rise to many modern martial arts. The most famous was Hakko-ryu jujutsu. Among his students were Koreans, which was not typical of traditional Japanese martial arts schools of that time. One of his Korean students, Chang In Mok, had some influence on the Hapkido technique. Toshimi Matsuda wrote one of the very first Daito-ryu manuals, Iroha Kun, which described the basic principles of his school. Technically, the Matsuda school consists of over 200 jujutsu techniques, most of which are related to Daito-ryu. The rest come from other jujutsu schools studied by Matsuda Sensei. Matsuda Sensei had a son, but did not continue his father’s work. The school is officially handed down from Maeda Sensei founder of the Renshinkan. Today from Kancho Michio Takase.