In Nihon Jujutsu of organization Koryukai Bujutsu, which was established by Filip Bartos, we practice traditional techniques of old japanese jujutsu martial arts, which Bartos Sensei studied. From these schools he chose the best and most effective techniques and created his own NIHON JUJUTSU system.
Techniques Nihon Jujutsu came from these traditional schools:
1. Daito Ryu
2. Takeda Ryu
3. Tenshin Shinto Ryu
4. Araki Shin Ryu
5. Tenshin Koryu
6. Kashima Shin Ryu
7. Shinto Rokugo Ryu
8. Asayama Ichiden Ryu
9. Daiwado
10. Takenouchi Ryu
11. Hakko Ryu
12. Yoshin Ryu
Feeling, idea and martial art´s strategy came from Yoshin Ryu.
First and basic techniques Nihon Jujutsu contains forms from 10 different attacks and on this basic level there is 60 of them.
Nihon Jujutsu contains completely 300 techniques Jujutsu + techniques with weapons
Nihon Jujutsu contains also techniques with weapons.
Tanbo, Hanbo, Suteki, Jutte, Bachi, Kusari, Tessen, Yajirigi, Tokko, Tenouchi.
Tanbo – Asayama Ichiden Ryu
Hanbo – Kukishin Ryu
Suteki – Shingyo Toryu Ryu
Jutte – Yamamoto Muhen Ryu
Bachi, Kusari, Tessen, Yajirigi, Tokko, Tenouchi – Koshu Kakurezato Jinya Den Bujutsu
If you are interested in trainings of this unique martial art do not hesitate to contact Filip Bartos – or +420 736 534 469.